The Yak Himself: stuff and things

Henry Riffsud Trio
August 20, 2009, 1:45 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


Henry, Ryan and myself recently recorded some jazz tunes in my back room, simply with a few mics and a three hearts full of jazz. Our intention was to make a demo CD to help get our band Yass some gigs.

Just for a bit of an arty experiment, I tried recording the mixes from my computer onto a cassette tape and then back into the computer. Jacob used this technique to great effect with his recordings of WM band Diesel Witch. Anyway, in this case, I’m not sure what to think of the result. I think it kind of sounds like an old live jazz recording, which is pretty cool. On the other hand though, it compromises the sound of the guitar and cymbals in a fairly dramatic way… which might not be the best move if we’re using this recording to make us sound pro and gig-worthy.

I’ll get some non-taped mixes up shortly, but for now, here are some taped trax.

Fire Eater mp3

African Marketplace mp3



Jamie S

Hallo world!
June 3, 2009, 1:46 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I have been inspired by my friend Feugsy (see his new blog) to make a blog of my very own. Hopefully it will be a good way of collating the various dribs and drabs of musical work that I do, and telling y’all about it.