The Yak Himself: stuff and things

The Sunbirds have flown into town!
August 28, 2010, 11:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , ,

Make this your display pic for high popularity!

If you like ‘slacker rock’ or other 90s genres, and/or are interested in playing in a band of such specifications, then this is the download for you!

The Story Behind the Birds:

After listening to much Pavement, Dinosaur Jr, Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine etc., I decided to make up some songs of my own. I then tried my best to record myself playing all of the instruments for these songs. (I would love to one day play this stuff live at establishments like pubs, listening theatres, restaurants, snack bars). The Sunbirds was thusly born.

A Blurb About the Birds’ First Release, Popular Science:

“Take the poor production/performance values of a demo recording, and couple it with the self-indulgence of an album… wait for five minutes… just wait… and soon enough you’ll have Popular Science by The Sunbirds.” – The Humble Decadence


mp3 download


All feedback (except for “the drumming is poor” – I know this too well), is welcome! If you are interested in jamming, casual performances and general relaxation, please let me know.

Print this out at home to make your own cover art! Cut it up into little pieces and you have yourself a jigsaw puzzle! Alternatively I'll probably be distributing hard copies earnestly anyway.

Cheers for now,


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